Job Duties Custom List 31-2021.00 — Physical Therapist Assistants

  • Instruct patients in proper body mechanics and in ways to improve functional mobility, such as aquatic exercise.
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16 occupations shown
Closely Related TasksAll Related TasksJob ZoneCodeOccupation
45529-1122.01Low Vision Therapists, Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and Vision Rehabilitation Therapists Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
34529-1127.00Speech-Language Pathologists Bright Outlook
26331-2021.00Physical Therapist Assistants Bright Outlook
24529-1181.00Audiologists Bright Outlook
24329-1126.00Respiratory Therapists Bright Outlook
22231-1121.00Home Health Aides Bright Outlook
15429-1128.00Exercise Physiologists Bright Outlook
13331-2012.00Occupational Therapy Aides Bright Outlook
12231-2022.00Physical Therapist Aides
12529-1123.00Physical Therapists Bright Outlook
11529-1041.00Optometrists Bright Outlook
11429-1125.00Recreational Therapists
11231-1133.00Psychiatric Aides Bright Outlook
11529-1291.00Acupuncturists Bright Outlook
11329-2061.00Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Bright Outlook
11529-1171.00Nurse Practitioners Bright Outlook